Monthly Archives: March 2023

Ways a Christian can live an addiction-free life

A Christian can struggle with addiction, and they might not be able to break free unless they take the right steps. If you want to live an addiction-free life as a Christian, you need to know the right things to do and be conscious about applying them.

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Here are some ways that a Christian can live an addiction-free life

Regular study of the word

The Bible is the written and spoken word of God; it is living and active. It contains timeless wisdom that helps us navigate the challenges that come with life. To prevent addiction from happening to you, it is important to be intentional about your walk with God.

You need to be more serious about hearing God talk to you because that is one of the major mediums through which he communicates with you. As you study God’s word regularly, you will be reminded of his promises that will benefit all aspects of your life including your health.

Praying regularly and fervently

Another way to prevent addiction from happening is to step-up your prayer life. Just as you read the word of God daily, you need to pray regularly and fervently. Prayer is the primary medium of communication with God.

You will be able to tell him your heart desires, and sometimes, during prayer, he speaks back to you too. With regular prayer, you will be able to build a strong relationship with God, which will reduce the chances of getting addicted.

Avoid hanging out with addicts

You have to be more intentional about the company you keep when it comes to the concept of addiction. If you move with addicts, there is a tendency for you to develop an addiction problem unknowingly. It is preferable to hang out with people who are sober, and who detest addictive habits.

Your best choice would be to keep company with your brothers and sisters in Christ, who are intentional about their spiritual growth. That way, you would be able to reduce the chances of getting addicted.